Tips And Tricks To Improve Your Kitting Process Flow Chart
February 13, 2020 Articles

When you think of manufacturing, then you need to keep in mind that it is accepted it is a good idea to implement a kitting process to support planned and scheduled equipment repairs. 

The reality is that a well-implemented kitting process flow chart delivers hug benefits in different ways. You will b able to see a reduced inventory investment, a more efficient use of maintenance technicians and employees, and even an overall equipment reliability. 

kitting process flow chart

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However, there may occur problems. And the truth is that they tend to arise when you assume everyone understands the kitting process and when lines of communication between the storeroom, the maintenance planners, and the maintenance and operations teams are not open and clear.

It is worth noting that one of the most common barriers to kitting parts and tools for planned work are unplanned additions to scheduled maintenance tasks for the day. The reality is that while the operations or maintenance supervisor believes they are critical and need to be completed immediately, in most cases this isn’t true. In fact, these aren’t critical as they can even be planned and scheduled for a later time. 

Tips And Tricks To Improve Your Kitting Process Flow Chart

#1: Start with documented work management processes to identify and prioritize routine maintenance work. 

documented work management processes

You should make sure that you have clear guidelines to define an emergency and what can be planned and schedules. 

Learn more about kitting.

#2: Recognize that condition-based monitoring is essential for overall equipment reliability. 

There’s no question that prevention is always the best option. So, you should make sure that you follow preventive and predictive maintenance practices that allow you to keep working with the same productivity.

How to use kitting in the lean manufacturing environment.

3. When the storeroom has a request from the maintenance planner to build a kit, there must be defined lines of communication between the storeroom kit coordinator and the maintenance planner. 

communication between the storeroom kit coordinator and the maintenance planner

The reality is that the communication between the panner and the storeroom needs to be maintained on a daily basis. After all, this is the only way you have to ensure that you are always on top of the current status of kits.   

Besides, you can also choose to implement a kit-aging key performance measure to help ensure that ready-to-schedule kits are not overlooked.

Understand the important of kitting.

4. Canceled kits should be the exception, not the rule. 

Canceled kits should be the exception

Every single time that a kit is canceled should be looked at as a failure of the process. 

The truth is that when work orders are being approved, the responsible one needs to conduct a critical evaluation to determine if the work is required or if it can be delayed for a plant shutdown or other planned equipment downtime. 

As you know, canceling kits for routine maintenance causes decreased use of maintenance planners and storeroom employees and usually causes future equipment breakdown.

5. The supervisors in operations and maintenance play a key role in establishing the success of a planned work kitting process. 

Communication is always the key within a business and this is also the case between these two supervisory levels. The reality is that to ensure that the kitting process flow chart works well:

  • The operations supervisors need to make their equipment available for maintenance to execute the work
  • The maintenance supervisor must ensure that the equipment is returned to operations within the scheduled equipment downtime.
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