Lean Manufacturing Certification Advantages
September 28, 2016 Articles

Lean manufacturing, or lean production as it also known, is a continuous process to eliminate all the waste (“muda”) from the manufacturing system.

The main goal of the leading manufacturing is to simply retain what adds value and eliminate all the rest – the waste. Lean manufacturing essentially derives from the Toyota Production System (TPS), which is particularly known for focusing on the removal of the 7 wastes so that the customer value can improve. The 7 wastes include overproduction, waiting time, transportation, inappropriate processing, unnecessary inventory, unnecessary motion, and defects. 

So, both lean manufacturing training and get lean manufacturing certification can bring numerous advantages to your business. Here are some of the lean manufacturing certification advantages:

#1: Employee Guidelines:

When you’re adopting lean manufacturing training into your business, your employees will have a much better picture about the overall business, which will allow them to improve and have more productivity. They will have a new set of guidelines that will be clearer than the previous ones, and since they are aware of the resources and capabilities of the entire company, they’ll be able to work with a continuous improvement perspective.

#2: The Certification Is Yours:

When you get a lean manufacturing certification, it will remain with you no matter if you change your job. And this can be a great thing since more and more companies are starting to require the lean manufacturing certification in order for you to be hired.

#3: Investing In The Employees Future:

When you have your own business and you decide to offer lean manufacturing training to your employees, and where, at the end, they also get their certification, you’re investing in their future careers. This will not only be great for your business because with the training and the certification, the work process will be free from wastes, as well as your employees will know they matter for you.

As a business owner, you want your employees to be productive, well prepared to deal with any problem that suddenly arises, and that they are able to manufacture high-quality products at the lowest prices. And lean manufacturing training can really help you with all these factors. However, you ned to be aware that it sometimes may be difficult to implement such a process.

Many employees don’t like changes even if they imply that they’ll have more working skills. In case you need to deal with this problem, you need to assure them that this won’t affect them in any way. The lean training will simply be a way for them to develop their own skills, to improve them, so that the work process can be much faster and efficient. In order to make them accept your decision, you need to tell them that they’re getting a lean manufacturing certification at the end that will be only theirs.

The lean success depends directly on the involvement and commitment of the entire company, from the employees to the suppliers, from the clients to the management.

To learn more about lean and six sigma methods, click here.

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