Learning to see by Mike Rother and John Shook
October 29, 2008 Products

Mike Rother and John Shook’s book Learning to see is perhaps one of the most well known books on Value Stream Mapping. From Shooks time at Toyota, where he noticed the process being used – the book utilizes a series of workbook style examples to help take the reader through the construction process of a value stream map and how it is applied within a lean environment..

“Learning to see” is so often cited by Lean practitioners that it’s become a staple for anyone looking to start working with VSM’s – and you’ll certainly see consultants using it as a study guide.

Learning to see

Learning to See: Value-Stream Mapping to Create Value and Eliminate Muda : Version 1.3 June 2003

Learning to See: Value-Stream Mapping to Create Value and Eliminate Muda

Learning to see breaks the concept of Value stream mapping into five chapters

• Introducing Value stream mapping
• Producing a current state map
• What makes a value stream lean
• Developing a future state map
• Achieving the future state.

Laying the book out in this structure is a great idea as many companies will go through this route in their value stream programs and in particular many will benefit from the chapter on what makes the value stream lean. Undoubtedly this is one of the most challenging aspects of re-engineering a process and Rother and Shook offer some great insight into how this can be achieved.

Given the author’s pedigree they are able to translate the concept into reality by using examples in industry of how and where value stream mapping can be used. Be aware though the book is heavy on the manufacturing side and you might want to consider some supplementary material if your looking at the service industry. However as it stands Learning to see remains an important part of any lean practitioners toolkit.

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"2" Comments
  1. Michael kehinde

    Where can i get this book in Lagos, nigeria

  2. respected sir i want to purchase your book but i dont know the pulication house so please send the publicaton house

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